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Echi d'Opera
Clarinet music by Weber and Verdi
Nicolai Pfeffer, Markus Stenz, Orchestra della Toscana
Echi d'Opera
Clarinet music by Weber and Verdi
Nicolai Pfeffer, Markus Stenz, Orchestra della Toscana

Carl Maria von Weber (1786-1826):
Overture to “Der Freischütz”

Concertino for clarinet and orchestra op. 26
Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901):

Symphony The Power of Destiny
Act III only: The Force of Destiny

Donato Lovreglio (1841-1907):
Concert costume based on “La Traviata “motifs *

Luigi Bassi (1833-1871):
Concert fantasy based on “Rigoletto “motifs *

Nicolai Pfeffer, clarinet
Orchestra della Toscana
Director Markus Stenz

* orchestrated by Nicolai Pfeffer

It was affinità elletive that brought together clarinettist Nicolai Pfeffer, conductor Markus Stenz, the Orchestra della Toscana and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in Florence in the summer of 2020, resulting in a joint production that delighted not only the experts: "This is a fine kind of youthful freshness that - also depending on the listener's current state of mind - allows this work to be experienced and grasped anew so often in the many facets of the three movements, even though you know every note," raved the rohrblatt reporter last autumn, for example. ..

... and he is not the only one who will be delighted by the artistic harmony when he hears the second recording by the Florentine team. Echi d'Opera, echoes from the opera house, is the name of the new album, in which the German-Italian "elective affinities" have now also become the programme. Carl Maria von Weber, represented by the overture to Freischütz and the almost scenic Concertino op. 26 for clarinet and orchestra, meets the Giuseppe Verdi of Traviata, Rigoletto and Forza del Destino - giving everyone involved enough material for the most magnificent bel canto.

The prim'uomo is, of course, Nicolai Pfeffer, who reveals himself to be a man of conviction in his solo roles and also reveals a fine feel for orchestral effects: With his new instrumentations, he has brought the concert fantasies on motifs from La Traviata (by Donato Lovreglio) and Rigoletto (by Luigi Bassi) closer to the original sounds of the master, who moreover has his say with the Sinfonia and the solo from the third act of Forza del destino and would certainly have been delighted with the vocal artistry of his young admirer.

Der Freischütz, Ouverture
Carl Maria von Weber, Orchestra della Toscana, Markus Stenz
Concertino for Clarinet and Orchestra op. 26
Carl Maria von Weber, Nicolai Pfeffer, Markus Stenz, Orchestra della Toscana
La Forza del Destino, Sinfonia
Giuseppe Verdi, Markus Stenz & Orchestra della Toscana
La Forza Del Destino, III Act, Solo
Giuseppe Verdi, Nicolai Pfeffer, Markus Stenz, Orchestra della Toscana
Fantasia da Concerto from "La Traviata"
Donato Lovreglio, Nicolai Pfeffer, Markus Stenz, Orchestra della Toscana
Fantasia da Concerto from "Rigoletto"
Luigi Bassi, Nicolai Pfeffer, Markus Stenz, Orchestra della Toscana

Sensational, exciting and rhythmic work. The soloist Nicolai Pfeffer shone, leaving everyone speechless. Sensational!

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