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Johann J. Diedrich Stiehl
Trio per clarinetto, viola e pianoforte, op. 2
Curated by:
They have Fendt and Michael Nowotny
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The Lübeck composer and clarinettist Johann J. D. Stiehl (1800-1872) wrote his Opus 2 for the same instrumentation as Mozart's famous "Kegelstatt-Trio" KV 498. The work demonstrates a profound knowledge of composition and is ideally suited to be performed in the context of Mozart's work. The first edition by August Cranz (Hamburg) and the autograph score (Lübeck City Library) were used as sources for this edition.


“Of all the wind instruments, there is no one that comes as close to a full female soprano voice as the clarinet. The fullness of his timbre, which can swell almost to the power of the clarinet, on the one hand, and the pleasant softness, on the other, which disappears in the slightest barely audible breath, and which gives the listener an interchangeable imitation of the distant echo, give him the ability to represent any type of expression that the composer gives him. As a solo instrument, it dominates with power and fullness in the execution of the most brilliant passages, to which its intrinsic grace forms a beautiful contrast, while as an accompanying instrument it adapts to every character, and in orchestra it combines a penetrating tone with fullness, and with the same softness”

Josef Fröhlich: 'Vollständige Theoretisch-pracktische Musiklehre', 1810

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Johann J. Diedrich Stiehl
Trio per clarinetto, viola e pianoforte, op. 2
Curated by:
They have Fendt and Michael Nowotny

The Lübeck composer and clarinettist Johann J. D. Stiehl (1800-1872) wrote his Opus 2 for the same instrumentation as Mozart's famous "Kegelstatt-Trio" KV 498. The work demonstrates a profound knowledge of composition and is ideally suited to be performed in the context of Mozart's work. The first edition by August Cranz (Hamburg) and the autograph score (Lübeck City Library) were used as sources for this edition.

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